Saahas is glad to announce the launch of an initiative aimed at addressing e-waste management in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) areas of Hyderabad city.

Axis Finance Ltd., as part of its CSR initiative, has partnered with Sahaas for this project. This initiative aims to foster awareness regarding Electronic Waste (E-waste), establish accessible disposal avenues for E-waste, and promote responsible disposal practices across the western zone of Hyderabad.



India stands as the world's third-largest producer of electronic waste, presenting a dual challenge in managing this burgeoning environmental concern. A mere 30% of e-waste in India undergoes recycling, predominantly managed by the informal sector, which often leads to inadequate resource recovery and widespread land, water, and air pollution. In the context of Hyderabad, in 2021 the city generated approximately 40,000 tonnes of e-waste annually, the quantum is envisaged to escalate to 1 Lakh tonnes within the next five years.

Electronic waste, with its increasing volumes, presents a critical environmental and social challenge in Hyderabad. Improper disposal not only poses health and environmental risks but also contributes to resource depletion and electronic scrap accumulation. It's imperative to address this issue promptly and effectively.



E-waste (any waste that has electrical or electronic components in it) contains harmful metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium etc. which is toxic to humans and the environment. Disposal of the same with other types of waste and dumping in landfills is not recommended as leachate caused by e-waste leads to soil and water pollution. Informal and crude recycling methods are often risky and unregulated. Burning of e-waste to derive metal not only pose health problems to humans but also causes environmental damage in form of air and water pollution. Managing e-waste in regulated, safer places in the formal sector ensures safety, conserves valuable resources, and protects the environment. It is important to shift e-waste management to the formal sector to address health hazards and environmental harm caused by informal practices.

Effective E-waste management is pivotal for safeguarding public health, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental pollution. By adopting responsible disposal practices, the health hazards posed by hazardous materials can be mitigated and sustainable practices can be encouraged.



This initiative aligns with the Government of India's initiatives such as the E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016, emphasizing extended producer responsibility (EPR) and ensuring effective collection, segregation, and recycling of e-waste. Our project aims to encourages responsible e-waste management ecosystem.

The project aims to work on the following:

Create Awareness Establish Disposal Channels Stakeholder Collaboration
Engage through public campaigns, events, and educational institutions to foster understanding and support responsible practices in e-waste disposal. Provide easily accessible disposal options for non-bulk e-waste consumers and channelize collected e-waste to authorized recyclers. Partner with Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB), and recyclers for effective coordination.

Under the project a hotline number for citizens will be set up to reach out to us, create a system to collect e-waste, and partner with recycling companies for responsible disposal of the collected waste.

The partnership is a step towards e-waste management which is a crucial part of sustainable urban development. Together, we aspire to mitigate the challenges posed by e-waste, work towards a cleaner, greener Hyderabad.

Join us in this endeavour for a brighter, eco-conscious future!