Jabor Mukta Jorhat


Diverting waste from landfill in Jorhat town of Assam



Focus Areas

Awareness and Behavioural Change, Capacity Building & Hand holding


May 2023 to Ongoing


6,000+ Households in 6 complete and 3 partial wards of the Jorhat town


Handling 2TPD dry waste and 3TPD wet waste at end of year 2



Key stakeholders

Community and Urban Local Body

Jorhat is the commercial and cultural capital of Assam. It is the second largest town after Guwahati and has a population of about 1.5 Lakhs. The town has 19 wards and is governed by a Municipal Board. Although the town has a sufficient number of collection vehicles, and a resource recovery facility has been built, the source segregation levels are close to zero and there is virtually no processing of waste taking place. Also, the officials of the Municipal Board as well as the elected representatives lack awareness about scientific solid waste management

The objective of the initiative is to improve the collection coverage in the identified wards and ensure that the waste from the wards gets processed and doesn't end up in the landfill. This involves working with the community to improve source segregation and ensuring people don't dump the waste in the open or burn it. As part of the behavioral change campaigns, new methods of awareness involving local cultural practices are being tried out, with music playing a big role in bringing people together at the sessions.