Supported By

Mission Swachh Udupi


Supported By

Implementing resource-recovery based SWM systems in Udupi city



Supported By

HDB Financial Services

Focus Areas

Wet Waste Management


Dec 2018 to March 2022


30,000 households across 35 wards of the city


Source segregation and processing of 15TPD of dry waste, 50TPD of wet waste



Key stakeholders

Community, SHGs, Urban Local Body

Udupi town generates close to 71MT waste per day and has a population of around 1.5 lakhs. It has 35 wards where door-to-door collection is being carried out by the CMC staff in some wards and by SHGs in others. 

This was our first city-wide intervention and we worked closely with the CMC, Udupi to ensure that source segregation is practiced in all the 35 wards. Saahas also provided technical inputs to CMC to set up the decentralized as well as centralized processing units for wet and dry waste. As part of this intervention, 2 decentralized dry waste centers and 1 windrow composting unit were set up. A trash barrier was installed to prevent waste from flowing into the sea.

Key interventions under this project were:

  • Implementing source segregation of waste in 35 wards of Udupi.
  • Distribution of dry waste collection bags to all households, and door-to-door awareness
  • Execution of periodic awareness and capacity-building activities for the stakeholders 
  • Enhancing sorting efficiency through support of equipment like conveyor belt to CMC for dry waste sorting
  • Supporting home composting by training households and installing pipe composting setups.
  • Providing technical support in setting up windrow composting and pit composting at the CMC landfill site and a Material Recovery Facility in the city.

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