Each type of waste has different methods of disposal and management.
Know More About Waste Management Methods
60% of household waste is organic waste and when managed at the point of generation, it can relieve the burden on central waste management by more than half. In this section we describe how this wet waste can be managed at homes, communities and organization level.
Wet Waste Processing
Home Composting
60% of what we throw is Organic waste. A family of four throws out half a kilo of organic waste everyday. If composted at home, it will give rich compost that nourish the soil and reduce the burden on the city/villages’ waste management system by half. Here are a few easy-to-do home composting solutions.
Community Composting
Community Composting is when an apartment complex or a layout or a street of independent houses come together to process their wet waste in-situ.
Pest/Smell control tips
Excess compost?
Give it to farmers! Know more about the Swachagraha Compost Connect initiative
Visit for more details: https://www.swachagraha.in/
Conversion of fermentable organic matter into a combustible gas and matured organic manure is called biogas” “Biogas is produced by the bacteria through bio degradation of organic material under anaerobic condition
Applications of Biogas
Biogas commonly used for...
Classifiation: Based on Biogas plant capacity
Know more
Other Waste Management Methods